
Discovering the typical products of Sardinia

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Written by EFW Staff

Typical Sardinian products: scents of tradition

The richness of a territory

Sardinia, an island full of plains, forests, beaches, mountains and waterways, is an astonishing territory. Its many ecosystems justify the name of a micro-continent, which has been metaphorically given to it. Its beauty, untouched until just a few decades ago, has always attracted tourists from all over the world who come not only to admire its enchanting places but also to enjoy the best typical Sardinian products. Sardinian land puts its mark on all traditional products and gives them the amazing taste that conquers anyone, from the first taste.

The recipes are transmitted orally, from mother to daughter and are jealously guarded. Culinary tradition is something that can not be quantified and it does not have to go lost in the fog of times. Sardinian cuisine has shepherd origins but is contaminated by Arab influences coming from other Mediterranean cultures. Sea dishes mix with the fruits of the land, cheeses and wines are delicious and full of unique scents. This cuisine is characterized by the simplicity of the ingredients and elaborate shapes. The Sardinians still live in a simple way, together with the nature. They do not have many basic products, but it is amazing to discover how they prepare them. An example is the famous bread of Villaurbana (Oristano) that has extraordinary forms decorated for special occasions and celebration. Famous is also the Carasau, typical Barbagia bread (also called “carta musica”).

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What are typical products of Sardinia

To have a complete frame of Sardinian typical products that the island has to offer its guests, it is necessary to divide them into categories. The first category includes bread and pasta, which are produced with Sardinian wheat. In addition to the Carasau bread there are many other variants: Guttiau, Pistoccu, Coccoi a Pitzus, Civraxiu, Spianada, Zichi of Bonorva and Modditzos. As for pasta, handmade and with elaborate shapes, worth mentioning is Culurgiones, Malloreddus, Fregula, Macarrones de busa and Lorighittas. Other typical first courses are Panada, Zuppa gallurese, Filindeu and Minestra, that is a good thing, made with a noodle-like pasta (Succu) and curdled milk (Frue). Fabadda is also a first course of Sardinia that is normally prepared in the Carnival period. Going to the second courses, it is noteworthy that Sardinian cuisine prefers the use of roasted, boiled or boiled meat.

A classic of shepherd cooking is porceddu, roast pork skewer. The same origin has also roast the kid or milk lamb, Berbeche in cappotto, Su Ghisadu, Zurrette, Trattalia and Cordula. From hunting, the only method that provided the food needed to survive even our faraway ancestors, comes on the Sardinian tables the carraxu and Pillonis de tàccula. The first one is obtained with a particular method of cooking, which consists in digging a hole in the ground where the wild boar is placed and covered with earth, turning on the fire. The second specialty mentioned is nothing more than a plate with stewed thrushes and blackbird. The Sardinians also cook excellent dishes with snails (Monzette). Our list ends with Sardinian desserts: Copuletos, Casadinas, Papassini, Cruxioneddus de mindua, Bianchini, Orilletas (and the list can be endless).

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Sardinian wines and liquors. Ambassadors of Italian Quality

Even wines are special on this island. The vineyards grow here from unmemorable times and it has never give up on producing grapes needed for winemaking. Some areas of the Mediterranean basin have been banned during Islamic occupation but this is not the case of Sardinia. Among the red wines are the Carignano del Sulcis, Cannonau, Girò and Monica. Among the white wines there are the Malvasia di Bosa, Vermentino di Gallura DOCG, Nasco, Torbato, Nuragus, Vernaccia di Oristano and Moscato. Among the liqueurs, we can not forget the famous Mirto, the drink that inflames the spirit and ignites the passion.

Images: Wikipedia Commons

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EFW Staff