Wine guides Wine: Reviews and Suggestions

How to preserve wine for a long period of time

tempo di conservazione del vino - EFW
Written by EFW Staff

There are different features that affect the preservation of wine

The wine is something alive that continue to evolve in the bottle but it can be influenced by what happen in the surroundings of the bottle. Right tricks allow to extend the time of preservation.

The varieties that allow a long time of preservation

When we say time of preservation we mean the maximum period of time to consume wine. On an oenological point of view, this period can vary according to the different wine variety. It is important to make a distinction between white and red wines. White wines have a faster ripening than red wines and its consumption is suggested within the year. When they are sold they are ready to be consumed. In the past, the new bottles of white wines were sold in the market in february/march. Today, they are sold already in January, but we suggest to drink them waiting a while. In any case, the variety of grape used affects a lot the time of preservation. The wines made with an important wine in the base can be consumed even after two years, but not beyond. The wine, in this case, evolves but it doesn’t oxidize as it has a good structure. The only difference is that the smells are of ripened fruit, and the greenish colors turn to gold. The red wines that have a weak structure has to be drunk within the year. The ones that derives from important varieties as Nebbiolo, Sangiovese, Corvina, Aglianico, Primitivo, Syrah don’t have problems to be preserved for many years. They give life to great red wines which code of conduct foresees, in any case, a minimum period of aging.

tempo di conservazione del vino calice - EFw

External factors affect the period of preservation

The period of preservation of wine, besides the own characteristics of the wine, depends a lot by external factors. A bottle of wine has to be preserved in the right way after the purchase. Unfavorable conditions can affect in a negative way the preservation of the wine.
The ideal place to store wine is the cellar. They are dark, cool and humid, but not all the people are lucky enough to have such a place in their house.

The temperature plays an important role as well in the preservation of the bottle of wine. The high temperature can cause the expansion of the liquid inside the bottle. The pressure pushes out the air, and sometimes also the wine, through the cork. On the contrary, low temperatures can create a depressor inside the glass. The liquid sucks the air causing its oxidation. It is better to avoid sudden jumps of temperatures, because if the temperature decrease quickly under 6° cause the precipitation of tartrates, in particular in white wines. The taste of wine is not affected, but the appearance is not so pleasant, as some parts on the surface can compromise its clearness.

The humidity, as the temperature is either important, the environment, where the wine is preserved should have a percentage of humidity of the 70%. It allows, in fact, to keep the cork in perfect conditions as it remove the presence of air from the cork. Humidity, thus, shouldn’t be excessive because it cause the creation of moulds. To keep the cork intact, the suggestion is to keep the bottle oblique, so the wine won’t touch the cork.

tempo di conservazione del vino cantina

Suggestions to preserve an opened bottle of wine

How to store a bottle once opened? It is necessary to say that not only the wines have the same possibility to resist for at least two/three days once the bottle is uncorked. Their lasting is proportional to the structure and the alcoholic volume. Generally it is advisable to cork perfectly the wine and place it in the fridge. In the case of a red wine it is important to remove it from the fridge at least 30 minutes in advance. For white wine 5 minutes are enough.

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EFW Staff