
Real Vegan Cheese: cheese without milk

vegan cheese
Written by Annalisa

Vegan Cheese: Real Vegan Cheese comes from America

You are wondering how to produce a cheese without milk? America has succeeded! Real Vegan Cheese is the last frontier of artificial food, do you remember the meat burger made in the lab? Now the States tries with cheese!

Vegan Cheese in the Lab

Real Vegan Cheese has all the look of a normal dairy product but the ingredients are definitely different from milk. A team of biohacker and scientists at Oakland Counter Culture Labs and Sunnyvale BioCurious, USA, made up of more than 24 members, have developed and experimented with a process for obtaining cheese just starting from yeasts…

The process for creating proteins involves an initial study of animal genomes, the selection of genetic sequences of proteins, and finally the synthesis of the gene sequences identified using yeasts.

Once obtained the DNA, it is placed into the yeast and the result is the production of proteins similar to those of animal milk. Finally, it is mixed with water, sugar and vegetable oils … the Vegan Cheese is ready!

A 100% vegan cheese: genes, though inspired by animal genetics, are not from animals and cows but are all produced in the lab.

Vegan Cheese: Sustainable Cheese

Counter Cultur Labs team supports the many benefits of this new laboratory food product by focusing on these points:

• It solves the problems of food scarcity in the world, being produced in the lab
• It does not run out of natural resources: yeast is renewable
• It does not exploit animal resources
• It is sustainable for the environment, which is thus spared from damage caused by intensive animal farming that involves: carbon dioxide emissions, methane production of global warming, deforestation and waste of hectoliters of water.
• It is a healthy and protein product suitable also for lactose intolerant and who has chosen the vegan diet
• It is a free GMO product, which is free from genetically modified components

Artificial food yes or no?

Si pone ora un dilemma…mangiare o no il cibo artificiale? Ognuno avrà la propria opinione, fatto sta che la scienza alimentare negli ultimi anni ha fatto passi da gigante e se ormai c’è la carne non carne e il formaggio non formaggio…quale sarà il prossimo cibo da laboratorio?

Is there a dilemma now … eating or not eating artificial food? Everyone will have their own opinion, the fact is that food science has made giant steps in recent years, and if now there is no meat and no cheesy cheese … what will be the next lab food?

Do you think so? Do you agree to produce artificial foods if they are sustainable and have zero environmental and animal impact or not?

If you are curious about the details, check out the official website of Real Vegan Cheese.

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