Wine guides Wine: Reviews and Suggestions

Which is the right temperature to serve wine

temperatura per servire il vino - EFW
Written by EFW Staff

The right temperature to serve wine

Wine is with any doubt one of the most common passion in the foodies of all over the world.
The main reason is a cultural and social boom that has interested the main producers and consumers, the inebriant drinking that derives from the working process of the grape.

One of the most common themes is with any doubt the ideal serving temperature of the wine, to preserve all its properties and enhance its main organoleptic properties like aromas, taste and perfumes.

In fact, it is important to understand the most suitable temperature to bring on the table the best wine to enhance this important product.

In which way the serving temperature influence the characteristics of the wine?

It is important to say that the temperature of the wine is something that affect the quality and the taste of the wine: the temperature of the wine can give emphasis or smooth some of the main organoleptic characteristics of the wine. The acidity and the alcoholic volume of wine are corrected with lower temperatures, thus these wines give their best if served pretty cold.
The cold, on the contrary, enhance the astringent effect of the tanning, reason why the best red wines are served at high temperatures. The temperature affect also the perfumes and the aromas of the wine: the cold enhance aromas of the main white berry wines; a higher temperature, instead, enhance the wines with more complex organoleptic properties like structured and aged red wines.

temperatura per servire il vino bianco - EFW

The perfect temperature to serve white wine

The category of white berry wines, like spumante wines, young white wine, dried and fruity or the most matured and aromatic, share characteristics of the acidity in the taste.

The ideal temperature to serve these wines, thus, is around 6° for Spumante wines and 14° for white wines.

The ideal temperature to serve red wine

There are numerous schools of thought about the serving temperature of red wines, even if the main thought is with any doubt tied with the normalization of the tannins contained in the red berry wines

Red wines, in fact, above all most matured, are characterized by a high presence of tannins that guarantee the lasting and body, besides that a high astringency and little astringency. For this reason, the best temperature to serve a perfect red wine is 14° for the youngest and new wines, till 20° for the well structured and aged wines.

Liquorish wines

Passito and liquorish wines deserve attention as well. They can be served at different serving temperatures, according to the characteristics that you want to enhance.

Characterized above all by a high alcoholic volume and a high degree of sugar, a high temperature between 14 and 18 degree will enhance their sweet and alcoholic component, leaving

Caratterizzati soprattutto per un’elevata alcolicità ed un alto grado di zuccheri, una temperatura elevata, tra i 14 ed i 18 gradi, esalterà la loro componente dolce ed alcolica, lasciando letteralmente sprigionare i profumi e gli aromi più intensi. Al contrario una temperatura più bassa, compresa tra i 10 ed i 14 gradi valorizzerà invece il lato giovane e fresco di questi particolari vini, rendendoli meno aggressivi e più amabili per tutti i palati. Si consiglia comunque di non scendere sotto i 10 gradi nel servizio dei vini passiti, per non smorzare eccessivamente le caratteristiche liquorose che rappresentano il DNA di questa particolare lavorazione di uvaggi.

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EFW Staff